About me...
Hello! I am Galina and I am a fully qualified Psychotherapeutic Counsellor. I am a caring and devoted practitioner, and I feel truly privileged to be able to thrive and continue to develop in this profession.
I graduated in 2016 with a 1st Class Hons degree (BA) in Integrative Relational Counselling (Kingston College/ Middlesex University). Prior to this I had completed
Level 2 and 3 Counselling Skills and Studies.
I have also completed MA Conversion Course in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy and Counselling
at the Terapia Centre in London.
I am a Registered and Accredited Member of the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy) and I adhere to their Ethical Framework
I have extensive experience covering all ages of human development within public and voluntary organisations. I am also affiliated to the long-established Guildford Counselling Resource Centre in the Guildford Institute.

You Are - Not Alone
Before any names, jobs and titles, I am a human being just like you. I used to believe that the key to everything was hidden inside me and all I needed was to search inwards.
The only problem was that searching on my own, I could only see my version of my ‘story’ – the ‘story’ that was designed to prove that the key was missing.
That search brought me to a new, relational world, only to discover that, ironically, the way IN was the way OUT. And the ‘way out’ was a different relationship – one that wasn’t so focused on my ‘story’, but was interested in who I was without it.